Pi Tau Sigma Members,
We are proud to be hosting the Pi Tau Sigma 101st annual National Convention.
PI TAU SIGMA members are chosen on a basis of sound engineering ability, scholarship (upper 35%), personality, and probable future success in their chosen field of Mechanical Engineering. There are three grades of membership: Honorary, Graduate, and Active. Honorary members are technical graduates actively engaged in engineering work; or members of mechanical engineering faculties. Graduate membership is conferred upon persons who would have been eligible had Pi Tau Sigma been established earlier in schools not having chapters, or upon those continuing graduate study. Active members are selected from the junior and senior mechanical engineering classes at their respective schools whose mechanical engineering curriculum must be accredited by ABET.
Our Philosophy

Article II of the Pi Tau Sigma Constitution: The object of this organization shall be to encourage and recognize superior scholarship, to foster the high ideals of the engineering profession, to stimulate interest in coordinate departmental activities, to promote the mutual professional welfare of its members, and to develop in students of mechanical engineering the attributes necessary for effective leadership and the taking up of the responsibilities of a citizen living in a democracy.
Our History

Pi Tau Sigma came into being on March 16, 1915, at the University of Illinois.With the twentieth century came the realization that honor societies made a definite contribution to the department and that membership required active participation. A similar organization embarked November 15, 1915, at Wisconsin, and other local organizations (such as the Carzeuran of Purdue) were soon to become active.